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Hey Arcaos love the game. So once you finsished having the baby with Tabitha and Terri it says story completed. Does that mean their story is not going to be updated any further? And did you get Tabitha's name from Bewitched? Or was it more of a "It sounds like Tabby Cat", type thing?

I will say that it's the end of their story content for Season 1. You can visit my Patreon for the funding goals for additional stories. Currently we've unlocked the filler arc tier. 

All the girls' names are vague references to the creatures their represent. Terri being a rat terrier is the most obvious example. Glad you like the game!

Good game almost finished it in one day, just have to wait for Tams and Terri so I can finish their story up.

I need Sophia and Lily collared next they're

Cute, ofc millibele is cute too

Alright, I've played through the whole game as it is now, I'm thoroughly impressed. My one and only question is:

Next update when?

Just downloaded the new content (Android vers.), it says "cannot open file"?

Hi there! Is this a new issue or is this your first time installing?

(1 edit)

new issue, I had played up to the current update, everything was fine.

May have been my phone, tapped into the game from the thumbnail and it worked fine, now done with the new content except one item.  Serena's info says go to living room but nothing will trigger?  I'm up to day 158 and all other "events" are completed.

Confirm I have same issue on android

Are you having the issue with Serena's events not triggering or the android file not opening?

I recently got the game and love it by the way but the only issue I have is that I'm not able to give Milibelle money for clothes for the dinner date 

I have heard reports of that and it was because the player hadn't picked up the tofu at the store.  Any chance you haven't? Thank you for the kind words!

Great game. When do you plan to inteoduce new characters(just curios)


The cast won't really expand until the second season if we hit that goal. I didn't want to leave players waiting for the current cast to resolve as I pile on other girls.


have this Game Breast expansion ?

There will be some when it comes to pregnancy, but it's not a focus of the game.

On the android version whenever I try to tap the hint button or fetishes button the game crashes. Is there something I can do about that? I don't really mind restarting since I'm not too far into the game.

This is definitely a head scratcher as I was able to replicate the bug once but open re-open, I couldn't get it to crash again. It's definitely going on the to-do list, thanks!

small bug, but the choosing fetish button is crashing my game, are they the same fetishes as in the options menu or are there more i can be toggling?

(1 edit)

those should be the same! Which menu is crashing? And what version? Android?

The windows/linux version running on linux mint. The button in the upper right with the red circle with a line through it, early on it just gave me an error page with the chance to rollback. But later, right before the warning for last chance to change options, i tried it again and it kept crashing.

Thank you, I'll take a look into it. Were you fine changing them from the preferences screen?

yep! mostly just wanted to check that I wasn't missing anything. Thanks for the quick reply!


So. I might just be an impatient or dumb Idiot, but i have only worked and slept for  more than 30 days and nothing is happening. Help


There are hints for each girl if you press the heart shaped button.


I know, but my hint right now is to work on the farm, wich is what I'm doing. Or does working on the farm mean something different, than working for the day ? 

I have to agree with jajajaja work does not advance the plot for Tabitha or Sophie after it stoped saying the amount you earn and that you can work for more then once a day.
I am around 43 days in with only working as well and only missing those two girls.

::Note:: this was an old save from the previous version. so I only needed the new ones which did not have the hit "work for the day"


I see. Thank you for the heads up guys, I'm patching that immediately.

Yeah the new public version fixed the problem thank you very much arcaos ^^

Have I skipped the content or is it just a gallery error? Because I have no idea what else to do, and the hints suggest that's all. (I mean those pictures that say "Not Yet Unlocked")


Gallery Error :(


(1 edit)

The game is great, and I eagerly await the next release.

But every time I see the MC's face I stutter-stop. He looks really quite strange. Specifically his face seems like it's to small for his head.

Edit: I also would request repeat scenes for some of the special scenes, like Tabitha's anal scene and the scene where she comes to your room.

I’m glad you like the game! As it would happen, I’m doing edits on a third tier of repeat scenes for Tabitha right now! I wonder what they will include ;)

Hoping to have v0.5 ready for my $5+ patrons very soon.

And just like that I'm sad to say I've already caught up with the new update I'm eagerly awaiting the next one. This heavily reminded me of one of my favorite animes thank you for the wonderful game and it's enthralling story

will the game automatically update when I down load the new version or will It make a new icon

I'm not actually sure. What ended up happening?

it automatically updated the pre existing application so I was able to pickup where I left off

umm... why im stuck progressing with the spider girl. what do i do

There are hints via the heart-shaped button. That should get you going.

Nice Story :-) BTW... I am at the point, after this Meeting in the library... Is this the end for now? Because there comes no new scenes 😅


Yup! Come back for v0.4. It’s releasing very soon for my patrons and then it will be public two weeks later.

(1 edit)

ah thanks! i though i got lost or found an error :-) 

Btw im playing on my smartphone "Pixel 5" and i recommend another "font" ... its readable, yes.. but exhausting on the long run because the letters are too small and too closely to each other. 

(2 edits)

So none of these are big deals really just minor things i noticed; also I love how much content there is already; most of these kind of games take polish to seriously compared to driving character development and story.

Something kind of specific but the way Mili's breasts melt into her body looks very weird; extra annoying given the cowgirl from the sabrina sparklez scene doesn't have that going on.

Also a bit disappointing how Ariana's second eye pair looks kinda drawn on; I would guess that is to not make her face look too uncanny but I feel like it detracts from the monster girl premise by making it seem a bit like it's just normal people in costumes.

There seems to be an issue with the android port, once you get to the name input it seems I can't progress because the "return" key doesn't submit the name, and closing the keyboard only puts it away for a second before it gets reopened automatically. Not sure if that's the case for all phones though 🤷‍♂️

Can you make a note of what your phone model is so I can investigate? Thanks!

It's a galaxy S7, real old, so if it's a model obsolescence issue then the odds of this being a common problem is very slim. Thanks for looking into it!

Here is a link to download the .apk file intended for much older devices. I can't promise it will resolve your issue, but it might help narrow down some issues:

I have been reading that players using much older phones do experience lag in animations and there are a notable amount of them in game. I want you to be able to play the game, but you might get a sub-optimal experience. No matter what, I'm adding "touch only name input" on things to investigate for v0.4. Good luck!

You're a fantastic dev, Arcaos. Cheers!

Thank you! Did it work?


Love the game, but, the MCs face just throws me whenever i see it, looks like he just ate a Lemon or something

Like the girls

Deleted 3 years ago

It's something I'm considering, but currently there's not enough public engagement to justify adding one. 

Does the game have NTR?

Nope! Every other guy you meet is super bigoted against monster girls. Their loss!

Damnnn that reply was fast!!! thanks !

Serves me right for not having some kind of FAQ. I’ll probably add one based on what comes through on the comments.

You definitely should, the comment sections can get pretty messy really quick

Great game 5/5, can't wait for the next update :)

Fantastic game, can't wait for more

Will this come to steam?

Currently there are no plans to add it to steam but that could change in the future.

Wheres the download?

Downloads will be available in ~12 hours in coordination with the public release on other platforms.

noice, thanks

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